We present a finite-volume, genuinely 4th-order accurate numerical method for solving the equations of resistive relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics (Res-RMHD) in Cartesian coordinates. In our formulation, the magnetic field is evolved in time in terms of face-average values via the constrained-transport method while the remaining variables (density, momentum, energy and electric fields) are advanced as cell volume-averages. Spatial accuracy employs 5th-order accurate WENO-Z reconstruction from point values (as described in a companion paper) to obtain left and right states at zone interfaces. Explicit flux evaluation is carried out by solving a Riemann problem at cell interfaces, using the Maxwell-Harten-Lax-van Leer with contact wave resolution (MHLLC).
Time stepping is based on the implicit-explicit (IMEX) Runge-Kutta (RK) methods, of which we consider both the 3rd-order strong stability preserving SSP3(4,3,3) and a recent 4th-order additive RK scheme, to cope with the stiffness introduced by the source term in Ampere's law. Numerical benchmarks are presented in order to assess the accuracy and robustness of our implementation.