
Present PhD students

Hyesung Im
PhD student in Mathematics, Maxwell Institute and Heriot Watt University Edinburgh
Research on: Stochastic particle optimization methods and applications to machine learning (MAC-MIGs project) 
second supervisor A-L. Haji-Ali

Domenico Caparello

PhD student in Mathematics, University of Nice and University of Ferrara
Research on: High-order and hybrid domain decomposition methods for hyperbolic and Boltzmann equations, plasma physics (DataHyking) 
joint supervision with T. Rey
Sara Veneruso
PhD student in Mathematics, University of Aachen and University of Ferrara
Research on: Analysis and numerical methods of consensus-based optimization techniques, second order methods, hybrid micro-macro methods for global optimization (DataHyking)
joint supervision with M. Herty

Frederic Blondeel

PhD student in Mathematics, University of Ferrara and University of Leuven
Research on: Robust consensus-based optimization for machine learning, parallel tempering in stochastic particle systems, metaheuristics (DataHyking)
joint supervision with G. Samaey 

Theresa Koefler

PhD student in Mathematics, University of Ferrara and University of Kaiserslautern
Research on: Advanced discretization methods for hyperbolic and kinetic equations with moving boundaries, plasma physics, low Mach limit  (DataHyking) 
joint supervision with A. Klar and G. Dimarco

Abu Safyan Ali
PhD student in Mathematics, University of Ferrara
Research on: Socio-epidemiological modelling and simulation, physics informed neural networks (PINN)
joint supervision with G. Dimarco

Former PhD students

Jonathan Franceschi
PhD in Computational Mathematics, University of Pavia
Thesis: Kinetic Equations for Many-Agent Systems On Large Networks. Emerging Patterns and Data-Oriented Approaches
joint supervision with M. Zanella
2025 Post-doc at University of Ferrara

Giacomo Borghi

PhD in Mathematics, University of Aachen 2024 and University of Parma 2024. 
Thesis: Mean-field theory for consensus-based optimization and extensions to constrained and multi-objective problems, joint supervision with M. Herty
2024-2026 Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship PDRA at Heriot Watt University Edinburgh

Sara Grassi
PhD. in Mathematics, University of Parma 2023
Thesis: Swarm and consensus based methods for global optimization: mean-field convergence and applications to machine learning

PhD. Mathematics, University of Ferrara 2017
Thesis: Boltzmann–type and mean–field modeling of social dynamics: numerics, control, uncertainty quantification (Winner of Nicolò Copernico Award 2018 and Anile Prize 2019)
2018-2019 Assistant Professor A at Politecnico di Torino
2019-2022 Assistant Professor B with tenure at University of Pavia
2022-today Associate Professor at University of Pavia

Giacomo Albi
PhD. Mathematics, University of Ferrara 2014
Thesis: Kinetic approximation, stability and control of collective behavior in self-organized systems (Winner of Nicolò Copernico Award 2014 and UMI-INDAM-SIMAI Prize 2017)
2017-2020 Assistant Professor A at University of Verona
2020-2022 Assistant Professor B with tenure at University of Verona
2022-today Associate Professor at University of Verona

Dario Maldarella
Ph.D. Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Ferrara 2013
Thesis: Microscopic and kinetic models in financial markets
Research: Mathematical finance, agent-based models, kinetic models, Monte Carlo methods

Piero Foscari
Ph.D. Engineering Sciences, University of Ferrara 2009
Thesis: Stochastic and Deterministic Simulation Techniques for Traffic and Economy

Giacomo Dimarco
Ph.D. Engineering Sciences, University of Ferrara 2008
Thesis: Modeling and Numerical Methods for Multiscale Hyperbolic and Kinetic Equations (Winner of INDAM-SIMAI Prize 2008)
2010-13 Maître de Conférences en Mathématiques, University of Toulouse, France
2014-2021 Associate Professor at University of Ferrara
2022-today Full Professor at University of Ferrara

Ph.D. Engineering Sciences, University of Ferrara 2006
Thesis: Modelling and numerical methods for some problem of interest for the environment

Stefano Trazzi
Ph.D. Engineering Sciences, University of Ferrara 2006
Thesis: Efficient Monte Carlo methods for the Boltzmann equation